2024 IEEE ICDM Outstanding Service Award: Professor Takashi Washio

The IEEE ICDM Outstanding Service Award is the highest recognition for service achievements in Data Mining, and is given to one individual or one group who has made major service contributions that have promoted Data Mining as a field and ICDM as the world's premier research conference in Data Mining. The 2024 IEEE ICDM Outstanding Service Award goes to Professor Takashi Washio.

Takashi Washio is a Professor at Kansai University, Japan. He has been a key driver and participant of the ICDM conference since its very beginning. He was the tutorial chair of ICDM-2002 and the program chair of the ICDM workshop on Active Mining (AM-2002). Since then, he has been a program committee member of ICDM until 2021 almost consecutively and an area chair from ICDM-2016 to ICDM-2018. He served as the general co-chair, contest chair, publicity chair, and workshop chairs for ICDM and affiliated events for over ten times since 2002.

In 2002 when the 2nd ICDM conference was held in Maebashi, Japan, Professor Washio extensively contributed to the ICDM organization to establish the supporting community and the international reputation of ICDM though the conference operations. He has attracted many participants to ICDM not only by organizing its tutorials and an ICDM workshop but also enhancing the hospitality of ICDM in the local organization.

When ICDM-2022 was held in Orlando, Florida, Professor Washio served as the general co-chair of the conference. This was the first face-to-face meeting after two years being organized online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To attract on-site participants and lift the activities at the conference venue, Professor Washio eagerly supported the program committee and the local organization and led the conference to success.

Professor Washio serves the broader data mining community as well. He is a senior steering committee member of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). He has been an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), the IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering (TKDE), the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) and Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS).

Professor Washio has also made significant research contributions in data mining and knowledge discovery. He has published over 360 research papers and supervised 11 PhD students to completion.

2024 IEEE ICDM Nomination and Evaluation Committees

From Xindong Wu (xwu AT hfut.edu.cn) on November 12, 2024.