The Steering Committee coordinates the ICDM conference series, and
maintains the Guidelines for ICDM Conference Organizers. It decides
where and when the next conference will be held, and selects the
Program Chair(s).
The Steering Committee is uniquely formed to (1) include membership
from those leaders who have contributed towards promoting data mining
as a field and ICDM as the world's premier research conference in data
mining, (2) provide a reasonable representation from different regions
of the world, and (3) provide sustainable leadership for ICDM
The Steering Committee meets once every year, at the annual IEEE
ICDM conference.
Membership to the Steering Committee is by the Chair's invitation,
and is limited to researchers who are active and energetic in data
mining research with an outstanding international reputation.
The Steering Committee should have at least two members from Asia
and Australasia, at least two members from Europe, and at most six
members from North and South Americas.
Each member is evaluated by the Chair every other year with
possible advice from other members of the committee.
Each year, at least two members will be replaced by active ICDM
organizers in the past years, the winners of ICDM Outstanding Service
and Research Contributions Awards, and/or open nominations from the
data mining research community.
- Candidates for replacements will be forwarded to all members of
the Steering Committee for discussions and votes before the Chair
invites them.
- The Chair is a major driving force for ICDM activities, and must
be a strong advocate for ICDM.
The Chair is evaluated every other year, in even years, at the
annual Steering Committee meeting without the Chair present.
If the vote of confidence from the biennial evaluation is low, or
if the Chair resigns, the Chair will organize an election for a new
Chair within a month, and will become a Past Chair
on the committee.
A Past Chair will hold membership on the committee for at least
three years.