ICDM '03
The Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

Melbourne, Florida, USA
November 19 - 22, 2003

Home Page: http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/icdm-03.html

Call for Tutorials

As an important part of the conference, the tutorial program of The 2003 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '03) will cover emerging data mining technologies and the state-of-the-art of data mining developments. Examples of good tutorials include:

A description of the recent tutorials held at ICDM '01 and ICDM '02 can be obtained at http://www.cs.uvm.edu/~xwu/icdm/tutorials-01.shtml and http://kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp/icdm02/tutorials.html. The tutorial topics should match the topics of interest of the ICDM '03 Call for Papers. The length of the tutorials will be half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours).

Submission Details

Tutorial proposals should include the following information:

Please send a soft copy (preferred) of your proposal to ester@cs.sfu.ca, or a hard copy to:

     Prof. Martin Ester (Tutorials Chair ICDM '03)
     School of Computing Science
     Simon Fraser University
     Burnaby BC
     Canada V5A 1S6
Please, also contact the Tutorials Chair for further information.


ICDM '03 will provide an honorarium of $1,000 for a full day tutorial and $500 for a half-day tutorial. It is possible that the conference can provide travel expenses, meal expenses, and one night's hotel expenses for tutorial speakers. Please provide an estimate for these expenses in your proposal if you are expecting the conference to cover these expenses for you. We will assume that the tutorial speakers will be able to cover these expenses from their own sources if no estimate is included in their proposals.

Important Dates

June 10, 2003 Tutorial submissions.
June 30, 2003 Acceptance notices.
September 10, 2003 Camera-ready copy of tutorial handouts.
November 19, 2003 ICDM '03 tutorials.

This page has been accessed times since January 11, 2003.
Questions and comments to: ester@cs.sfu.ca.
Last modified: May 11, 2024.