IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

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Guidelines for ICDM Conference Organizers

    Steering Committee

  1. ICDM is held every year, in different regions of the world, preferably in December.

  2. Location decisions are made by the ICDM Steering Committee.

    1. The Steering Committee encourages proposals for location by teams vying to hold the ICDM conference. Proposals for future years' ICDM conference will be discussed at each ICDM conference.

    2. Each proposal should have a mention of the planned social items, such as lunches, receptions, e-mail access, and possible sightseeing activities.

    3. The organizers of each ICDM conference agree with the Steering Committee's terms on conference publications and ICDM Funds (if any).

  3. The Steering Committee selects the following chairs:

    1. Program Chair(s): The Steering Committee selects, adds, and replaces Program Chair(s) when the need arises throughout the year.

    2. Proceedings Chair: The Steering Committee Chair acts as the Proceedings Chair each year to interact with the IEEE Computer Society Press for formal paperwork and provide final approval of the proceedings.

    3. Awards Committee Chair: The Awards Committee Chair should come from one of the past 10-year impact paper award winners, and will have the Program Chairs, Steering Committee Chair, and 3 additional established data mining researchers to form the awards committee. This committee will select the best papers and, since 2010, the 10-year highest impact paper.

    4. Publicity Chair: The Publicity Chair has a critical role in attracting paper submissions and conference/workshop participants, and should have a passion for ICDM. This person has to work closely with both the Steering Committee and the current year's other organizers to develop a detailed publicity plan and then follow it through.

    Program Chairs

  4. ICDM Program Chairs of each year are advised not to submit any papers to ICDM in that particular year, but can possibly publish one paper in the workshops proceedings subject to a regular workshop review process.

  5. The conference program of each year consists of high-quality contributed papers on all aspects of data mining. Original (previously unpublished) manuscripts on various data mining related topics are solicited.

  6. ICDM Calls for Papers.

    1. ICDM best paper awards will be conferred on the author(s) of the Best Paper and the Best Application Paper at each ICDM conference. The awards will be announced in the calls for papers.

    2. A selected number of ICDM accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the KAIS journal (Knowledge and Information Systems, by Springer) each year. This will be mentioned in all calls for papers of the ICDM conference.

    3. The membership of the Steering Committee will be published in the calls for papers of ICDM conferences.

    4. From ICDM '07 on, the following page limits apply:

      • Paper submissions should be limited to 10 pages in the IEEE 2-column format (see the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines).
      • Accepted regular papers will be allowed to have 10 pages in the conference proceedings.
      • Accepted short papers will be allowed to have 6 pages.
    5. The Steering Committee should be consulted before the call for papers of a forthcoming ICDM conference is announced.

  7. ICDM Established Researchers in Data Mining and Program Committee Formation.

    1. For the long-term benefits of the ICDM conference organization, the ICDM Steering Committee compiles a database of "Established Researchers in Data Mining" at a password-protected website. This database is used by the ICDM organizers each year to invite suitable Program Committee members. The database is accessible to ICDM Steering Committee members only, but is also accessible to each year's ICDM organizers for that particular year.

    2. An "Established Researcher in Data Mining" is a data mining researcher in at least one of the following 3 categories.

      1. Serves/has served on first-rate data mining related journals, such as

        • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
        • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
        • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
        • Knowledge and Information Systems
        • Artificial Intelligence
        • Machine Learning
        • Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
        • Journal of Machine Learning Research
      2. Has served more than once on relevant, top-tier conference program committees, such as

        • KDD/SIGKDD
        • SIGMOD
        • VLDB
        • ICDE
        • IJCAI
        • AAAI
        • ICML
        • NeurIPS
        • ICLR
      3. Has published more than once at ICDM or in the above journals and conferences as a principal author.

    3. The database also contains (1) information about who served on which year(s)' ICDM Program Committee, and (2) comments from each year's Program Committee Chairs for some of these established researchers if they

      1. were extremely helpful in paper reviews, or
      2. did not turn in any review reports
    4. The Program Committee of each year must replace at least one third of the previous year's Program Committee members.

    5. While PhD students and postdoctoral research associates are encouraged to help with ICDM paper reviews (generally with their advisors/supervisors), they are not included in our database of established researchers, and therefore are not good candidates for ICDM Program Committees.

    6. Each year, the ICDM organizers are invited to add new names to the database. The new additions can be invited by the current year's ICDM organizers to serve on the current year's Program Committee, and only after they are approved by the Steering Committee Chair, will they be eligible for membership in the Steering Committee's database of "Established Researchers in Data Mining".

    7. The compilation of the current year's Program Committee, especially Senior Program Committee or Area Chairs, should be discussed with the Steering Committee.

  8. ICDM Paper Reviews and Selection.

    1. ICDM uses electronic submissions and also performs data analysis on Cyberchair each year. Before the Program Chairs do the paper assignments, the paper list with abstracts will be forwarded to Program Committee members for them to choose their own preferences to review.

    2. From ICDM '07 on, a double blind review process was adopted, and from ICDM '11 on, triple blind reviewing is implemented (meaning that the Area Chairs and PC reviewers do not know each other's identity either at the discussion stage).

    3. In the review form, the Program Committee members/reviewers are asked to answer

      1. whether the paper is recommended for the best paper award, and

      2. whether an extended version of the paper is recommended for publication in the KAIS journal.

    4. ICDM encourages both applied and theoretical research in data mining, and promotes high quality, novel and daring research findings in every data mining area. When selecting ICDM papers, each year's ICDM organizers should consider the balance of different research styles, such as theory, methodology, algorithms, systems, integration, and applications.

      1. Paper acceptance decisions (such as acceptance rate, and the ratio between Regular Papers and Short Papers) should be discussed with the Steering Committee.

      2. There are reasons for not accepting papers as posters (but short papers instead), and each year's ICDM organizers are encouraged to organize a poster/demo session for every accepted paper to participate.

    5. Papers exploring new directions will receive a careful and supportive review at ICDM conferences.

    6. Area Chairs are a very useful mechanism in paper reviewing and selection. The ICDM organizers of each year are encouraged to have a small number of Area Chairs, and convene a (face-to-face or tele-conference) meeting with these Area Chairs for the final paper selection if at all possible.

  9. Decisions on invited speakers should be discussed with the Steering Committee. Each invited speaker must be an established and recognized researcher in his/her own research field.

  10. There are parallel paper sessions at ICDM conferences, at least 2, but no more than 4 if at all possible.

    1. In addition to presentations of accepted papers and invited talks, the organizers of each ICDM conference are also encouraged to organize workshops, tutorials, and data mining software/product demonstrations.

    2. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference. The Program Chairs will collect no-show cases, and forward this information to the IEEE Computer Society Press by the IEEE Computer Society rules so that not presented papers will be removed from the IEEE Digital Library.

    3. The program booklet for conference participants, with details for the schedule of sessions, session chairs, abstracts of invited talks, tutorials, and other related information will be designed by the Program Chairs, in consultation with other chairs, and locally printed by the Local Arrangements Chair.

    Conference Chairs

  11. In consultation with the Program Chairs and the Steering Committee Chair, the Conference Chair appoints and supervises the following chairs: Local Arrangements Chair, Workshops Chair, Tutorials Chair, Panels Chair, Publicity Chair, Finance Chair, Sponsorship Chair, and Registration Chair.

  12. A conference tour should be provided (whether or not at the participant's own expenses) on the second last afternoon.

  13. The Registration Chair should develop the registration forms with the Conference Chair, Finance Chair, and Steering Committee Chair, and make sure that both conference and workshops proceedings are available on the registration form.

  14. Workshops, tutorials, and panels are an integral part of the conference program each year, and therefore the Workshops Chair, Tutorials Chair, and Panels Chair should discuss all submissions and other relevant information with the Program Chairs, Conference Chairs and Steering Committee Chair, before ranking and accepting proposals.

    1. From ICDM '06 on,

      1. All accepted papers from the workshops are published in a specific workshops proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press and also in the IEEE Digital Library. Each workshop paper submission is subject to a regular review process, and each workshop must have a competitive acceptance rate and a reasonable number of accepted papers to proceed. Each accepted workshop paper must be presented at the workshop.

      2. The participation in ICDM workshops and tutorials will be complimentary to all conference participants - the conference registration covers everything.

      3. Workshops will generally be organized on the first day of each year's conference.

      4. Student presenters will not be required to pay "full" registrations.

      5. Tutorials will generally be organized in parallel with paper sessions.

    2. The Workshops Chair and Tutorials Chair should discuss with the Conference Chair and Local Arrangements Chair for a time schedule for the submission and publication of workshop proceedings and tutorial notes.

    Workshops Chair (see ICDMW FAQ developed by previous years' chairs) and Tutorial Chair

  15. It is the responsibility of the Workshops Chair to

    1. interact with each workshop's organizers,

    2. make it clear that workshop organizers do not get complimentary registrations,

    3. provide coordinated important dates and paper acceptance guidelines,

    4. inform the workshop organizers that they are each allowed to publish at most one paper in their own workshop (subject to a regular workshop review process),

    5. collect their submission data and approve their acceptance decisions,

    6. forward the accepted paper lists with contact author information to the Proceedings Chair,

    7. act on the information requests from the Proceedings Chair and/or the Publisher for the workshops proceedings.

  16. The Workshops Chair can publish at most one paper in the current year's workshops proceedings, subject to a regular workshop review process.

  17. It is the responsibility of the Tutorials Chair to interact with each tutorial provider, collect their tutorial notes (in either PDF or Powerpoint), provide a uniform cover design for each set of tutorial notes, and forward all tutorial notes to the Local Arrangements Chair in time for printing.

    Publicity Chairs

  18. Each year, there should be a lead Publicity Chair who will interact with the Steering Committee Chair to develop a publicity plan at the beginning of the year, and distribute publicity tasks among all Publicity Chairs from different regions of the world.

  19. Any publicity expenses should be approved by the Conference Chairs in advance.

Copyright © 2000- by ICDM Steering Committee (icdmcttee AT